The CHAMPION Foundation is a non-profit organization, made up of a caring community of people dedicated to the spiritual, cultural and moral character development of America’s children and youth.
As our young people grow, we must commit ourselves to providing them with the tools they will need to live productive lives; to take on the challenges of overcoming the negative elements of the environments in which they live; and to be morally and spiritually led by God. We must also mentor and motivate them to higher levels of scholastic and professional achievement.
The CHAMPION Foundation. offers a broad spectrum of programs; including after-school programs, mentoring, college readiness, reading programs and a rites-of-passage program. All programs stress spiritual, cultural and moral character development.
We pledge to equip our children with every resource and every tool to keep our children safe and unharmed to live out their lives productively and empowered as global citizens.
Join us as we educate our children and youth on how to conduct themselves appropriately if ever stopped routinely by law enforcement.